Pretties by Scott WesterfeldStars: 5 out of 5
Genre: Fantasy
Age group: 11 and up
As I said before in my review of Uglies, I ran out and got Pretties as soon as I finished Uglies. I'm really glad I got it soon.
I really don't like to read series or sagas because that requires commitment. However, if a book is really good, I would need to read the sequel. I felt that way about Uglies: it was awesome and I couldn't just stop there.
Pretties was as good as Uglies. It was impossible to put down and impossible to forget. I've liked Uglies and Pretties so much that I noticed Westerfeld's writing style. Westerfeld wrote his books so that there isn't a sappy happily ever after but a huge question mark. I really like that; it makes the reader want to buy the next book immediately to find out what happens next. I haven't been so interested in a series since the Twilight Saga.
Can't wait to read Specials, Westerfeld!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Posted by Mary at 9:05 AM 0 comments
Labels: Fiction
Uglies by Scott WesterfeldStars: 5 out of 5
Genre: fiction
Age group: 11 and up
What really got my attention to pick this book up was the author. Scott Westerfeld is a man, so I'm thinking, What does this guy know about teenage girls? Unless he's a dad, he only cares about food and sports.
While I was reading, I began to regret thinking that. Uglies is about Tally, a girl living in Uglyville. In her world, everyone is considered an ugly until they get an operation that will turn them super-model gorgeous pretty on their 16th birthday. Tally can't wait for the operation but everything changes when her friend, Shay runs away. The authorities force Tally to make a decision: turn Shay in or never turn pretty at all.
Uglies is full of action, friendship, and excitement. There were surprises on every page. That made me wonder if even Westerfeld knew what was going to happen on the next page. Uglies is breath-taking and hard to put down. In fact, I didn't even know that I was at the end of the book until I turned the page and there was blank pages. The ending was so captivating, I dropped what I was doing and ran out to get the sequel, Pretties.
Well done, Scott Westerfeld. You surprised many girls, including me, that even men can write about teenagers.
Posted by Mary at 8:41 AM 0 comments
Labels: Fiction
Friday, September 26, 2008
I was reading some of my favorite blogs and I realized something: I don't have a blogroll. So, comment here if you would like your blog name on my blogroll or your favorite blog on my blogroll. I will try to make my blogroll in a week or so.
Posted by Mary at 7:53 AM 0 comments
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Black and White
Black and White by Dani Shapiro
Stars: 4.5 out of 5
Genre: Realistic fiction
Age group: 14 and up
Black and White is about a woman, Clara visiting her mother, Ruth. Though the plot sounds plain, there is much more. If you didn't read the blurb on the back, you would never have found out about Ruth taking nude pictures of her daughter.
Black and White is heart-warming and sad at the same time. Heart-warming because of the ending. Sad because of the nude pictures Ruth took of Clara. Those pictures really bothered me. I'm not a mother, but I am a daughter and treating your child as if the world deserves to see her body in museums is wrong. I think those pictures weren't art, they were child porn.
The title, Black and White has so much effect on the story. I never noticed it before but the order of the title matters. If the title was White and Black, the story would sound entirely different. Think about it, say 'white and black' first then say 'black and white.' They both sound different.
To me, the title Black and White represents Clara and Ruth. Black is Ruth and white is Clara. Black can effect white the same way white can effect black. If you paint a black dot on a white paper and a white dot on a black paper, you would pay the same amount attention to each dot. So, back to the effecting. Ruth used Clara when she was young and that led to Clara running away for 14 years. Clara didn't forgive Ruth and as a result, Ruth gave all her photos to Clara.
Black and White was brilliant, sad, heart-warming, and so much more than it seemed.
Posted by Mary at 3:22 PM 0 comments
Labels: realistic fiction
Friday, September 19, 2008
Age Group: 13 and up
Posted by Mary at 2:57 PM 0 comments
Labels: chick lit, realistic fiction
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Live a Little
Posted by Mary at 1:54 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 12, 2008
Contest changed!
As you may know, I held a contest (look at 8/25) that was going to end on the 29th of September. Ive decided to change that contest. Instead of just becoming an author on this site, you're gonna have a choice! You're either gonna become an author for a certain period of time (you can choose how long) OR you can just be a guest blogger and have one review of a book, article, or peom on this site.
1) You must be a teen between the ages of 13 and 19.
2) You must speak, write, and read ENGLISH fluently.
1) One email from each person. You may give more than 1 review, but 3 reviews max.
2) The email must come before 10/13/08. I will choose the winner (or winners) on 10/15/08.
One winner (or more) gets one of these prizes:
1) Writing for Book Reviews 4 Teens for a period of time (your choice).
2) Having your review of any writing piece on this website. If you have a favorite book, poem, or article and you want others to know what you think of it, just send your review in for a chance to get it on this website!
Have fun and if you have any questions, feel free to comment. :)
Posted by Mary at 1:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: contest
Sunday, September 7, 2008
First 12 chapters of Midnight Sun
First 12 chapters of Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer
Rate: 5 out of 5
Genre: Fantasy
Age group: 14 and up
These 12 chapters were awesome! In case you don't know, Midnight Sun is Twilight from Edwards's view. Though I read Twilight about a year ago, I still loved it from Edward's view. Midnight Sun was funny, exciting, action packed, and about as good as fudge ice-cream at midnight. Everything was so funny according to Edward. I know it was kinda cruel to laugh at Bella's clumsiness but Edward made it seem okay.
I feel really bad for Stephenie. I know that most people are mad because she's not gonna finish the book but I think those people are selfish. Stephenie trusted someone with her draft of Midnight Sun. But that someone leaked it on the Internet or gave it to someone else. Whatever happened, I feel bad that someone betrayed a wonderful person like Stephenie Meyer. I hope she finishes Midnight Sun but I think we should give her some space.
Stephenie, I hope you find time to finish the wonderful book because fans are counting on you but if you need more time, we will give it to you.
Posted by Mary at 2:48 PM 2 comments
Friday, September 5, 2008
Extremly busy
Sorry, guys if I haven't been posting in a while. School's started and I'm overwelmed with work. I'll be posting a few days.
Posted by Mary at 7:55 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Blogging for Darfur.
Posted by Mary at 2:46 PM 0 comments